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Everything you need, the way you like it

At RadarRadar, we aim to support each function of your company. By creating a single engine from which stakeholders can benefit, we increase efficiency, lower costs, and stimulate collaboration. We help organizations gather the knowledge that is needed to understand performance, identify exposures, and make adequate and controlled decisions.

Scroll down and discover the advantages for your department.

IT and Support

For the IT and support departments, a successful digital transformation is crucial. Creating one engine that combines all existing systems, tools, and files allows for more time to focus on managing, improving, and maintaining additional technology initiatives.

Most appreciated advantages

  • Secure, out of the box data ingestion, normalization, and storage
  • Fully built on the trusted Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • Connects to all your existing business applications

Philippe Lebannier, Head of Finance and Group Supply Chain Controller - Roquette

"I cannot understand how any company active in the commodity industry can operate without RadarRadar."


Trading and Risk

Within trading and risk departments, it is crucial to always have an in-depth understanding of your exposures. Gaining access to accurate data enables you to act fast and take calculated risks to accelerate in volatile markets.

Most appreciated advantages

  • Real time insight in positions and margins, fully configured to your needs
  • Full transparency throughout your company and relevant departments
  • Once configured, reliable and error-free user experience

Alex Hanson, Chief Risk Officer - TRANS-OIL GROUP

“Apart from giving us accessible and accurate information, RadarRadar is also helping us to improve our ways of working.”



Both as seller and buyer it is important to understand trends and know how to deal with volatility. Gaining real-time insights and creating information transparency will lead to better cooperation resulting in higher margins and a competitive advantage.

Most appreciated advantages

  • Real-time insight in actual and forward margin development
  • Reporting of physical and financial coverage based on production and sales planning
  • Providing a true Net Risk position of raw material and per-products versus your actual product sales

Giorgio Dalla Bonna, Managing Director - Cereal Docks

“RadarRadar has brought order to our positions but more importantly, it improved interdisciplinary collaboration and boosted our ability to make strategic decisions. The ROI is high and all stakeholders are very satisfied.”



Due to market volatility, new regulations, and capital requirements, it has become more important to gain visibility and have the proper tools to manage exposure on cash and liquidity, compliance, and hedge accounting.

Most appreciated advantages

  • Use normalized and validated data to build the trade, risk, or compliance report you need
  • Experience the benefits of a fully auditable system to understand what and when changes were made
  • On-time and fully compliant to all worldwide regulatory requirements

Renaka Ramachandran, Chief Finance Officer - Sime Darby

“We grow because of RadarRadar.”

Extra reason to believe


  • One source of truth
  • Advanced risk tools
  • Fast implementation and high ROI

Smart and flexible

  • Adaptable to changing requirements
  • Highly customizable features
  • Non-disruptive to daily operations


  • High-end security and ISO 27001 compliant
  • Easy to use and minimal maintenance
  • Professional support desk

Future investment

  • Continuous flow of new products & updates
  • Specially built for the commodity industry
  • Scalable for growth
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Becoming a data-driven company

By turning your data into trusted information in the right location at the right time, the Radar Engine enables you to tackle your business’ challenges from a data perspective, creating a competitive advantage and improving overall performance.

Radar Engine