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Roquette is a family-owned global leader in plant-based ingredients, a pioneer of plant proteins and a leading provider of pharmaceutical excipients. Founded in 1933, the company currently operates in more than 100 countries, has a turnover of 3.9 billion euros, and employs more than 8,000 people worldwide.

Like any processor in the Food and Agri value chain, Roquette is operating in a market that is volatile by nature, leading to continuous pressure on margin and profitability. Roquette became RadarRadar’s first client in 2010 and uses the Radar technology to its full extend.

Philippe Lebannier, Head of Finance and Group Supply Chain Controller

"I cannot understand how any company active in the commodity industry can operate without RadarRadar."


Roquette’s challenge was twofold:

1. Roquette uses a multitude of systems for contract management and planning, resulting in a complex data landscape. Making it virtually impossible to have accurate and up-to-date insights in its global business activities and a unified market price framework.

2. Lack of in-depth understanding off their forward processing margin, resulting in difficulties reaching commercial alignment to boost performance.


The objective was to implement risk and margin management using the Radar Technology on a global scale, providing an 18-month forward view on their margin, anchored in one sustainable and scalable IT business solution.  

The margin management solution ('Dynamic Margin Management') would provide for a holistic approach to manage margins and risks proactively; access to real-time knowledge enables controlled decision-making to significantly improve margins. 

However, till then there never was a company offering a solution that fitted both Roquette’s current data landscape and business needs. Until RadarRadar: the perfect solution to their challenges as RadarRadar combines a strong professional background in the commodity industry with extensive experience in data integration and risk management.

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RadarRadar works closely together with Roquette to consult on the business practices of dynamic margin and risk and margin management. The Radar technology creates simplicity in the complex data management, by bringing large amounts of data from all legacy systems and data sources together and presenting it in a very understandable and actionable way.  

This led to the implementation of an automated reporting tool: a collaborative data management platform with a comprehensive forecasting of the gross margin. RadarRadar was the first ever in the market to create such a data management system and till today there is no supplier in the industry that can offer such cutting-edge risk and margin management tools. 

The deep transparency provided by the Radar technology saves valuable time and enables Roquette to act rapidly on risks and opportunities by creating: 

1. A thorough understanding of margin drivers and risk exposures. 
2. Control for variables and highly detailed data via drill-down capabilities. 
3. Alignment on risk and opportunities, centrally, regionally, and asset. 
4. Easy and rapid reconciliation with accounting and improved budgeting process.
5. Timely performance monitoring, analytics and insights on weekly price fluctuations on the sales and purchase portfolio. 

Laurent Cousin, fmr Head of Global Distribution Management

"Thanks to RadarRadar we finally have all stakeholders aligned on the right methodology. Our risk and margin management has never been so on point and efficient."


Substantial Margin improvement
Significant improvement on risk management and productive communication between procurement, sales and management resulted in a substantial and tangible contribution to the profit growth.

High increase in work-efficiency
One automated and sustainable reporting tool takes away significant time to gather, combine, analyze, and process data, resulting in reallocation of time towards data analyses and value-added activities.

Improved decision-making
Availability of trusted and organized information for quick reference and in-depth analysis including business control allows for improved decision-making.

Roquette results

Philippe Lebannier, Head of Finance Core Ingredients Global Business Unit

“Rolling forecasts are shared with the heads of business units. The constantly refreshed forward-looking view empowers them to take proactive action related to commercial opportunities and risks, particularly facilitating the pricing strategy, the key success factor in the commodity business where speed is of the essence.”

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Becoming a data-driven company

By turning your data into trusted information in the right location at the right time, RadarRadar enables you to tackle your business challenges from a data perspective, creating a competitive advantage and improving your overall performance.

Radar Engine