Bringing technology and business together

RadarRadar is here to change expectations about data & analytics software. As industry experts, we understand your business and your challenges. Our various modules offer innovative business applications with sophisticated metrics that meet tomorrow's needs.

Module 1: Position & Performance

In today’s evolving global markets with increasing volatility, having access to trusted and comprehensive information is vital for making the right business decisions. Gaining a holistic and on-demand representation of your portfolio exposures and financial value will provide for the right knowledge to cope with the different market dynamics and improve performance.

Screenshot Position Mt M

Improve your decisions and boost your business

  • In-depth understanding of your positions including historic view
  • Manage and monitor yields, blends, and bill-of-material structures
  • Monitor portfolio exposures and analyze trends
  • Realized and unrealized profit & loss analysis
  • Optimize working capital and mitigate liquidity risk
  • Visibility and traceability of underlying contract details

Business applications

  • Contract Life Cycle

Module 2: Risk Management

With the fast-changing market dynamics and evolving risk factors it is important to have a proactive approach to portfolio management to improve performance and stay ahead of the competition. The risk application provides you with both a quantitative and qualitative view on the risk profile of your portfolio, based on internal business models and external market developments.
Screenshot Var Overview

If you have the knowledge, you can take the risk

  • Understand and track risk drivers impacting your positions and prices
  • Predict and manage performance volatility under complex market conditions
  • Build and test position representations with various scenarios
  • In-depth and comprehensive insights into counterparties involved in your position
  • Visualize and leverage your option book by testing different impacts
  • Set-up and manage notifications to stay informed if certain conditions are triggered

Business applications

  • Stress Test
  • Internal Limit Monitoring
  • Counterparty Risk
  • Option Analytics
  • Value-at-Risk (VAR)

Module 3: Dynamic Margin Management

As commodity-based processing company you are challenged by increasing factors impacting margins. Operating with complex business models and established business practices makes it difficult to cope with financial pressures, such as increased procurement costs, sales drops, ineffective hedges, foreign exchange exposure, and variable energy and packaging costs. The Dynamic Margin Application helps understand and combine portfolio and market insights to manage and optimize margins.

Screenshot Soy Crush Margin

Optimize your margin and boost overall performance

  • Complete insights in production planning, cover and net positions
  • Forward and historical view of your margins
  • Create various scenarios to test and manage financial impact
  • In-dept understanding and analysis of yield, blends and bill-of-material calculations
  • Compare, manage, and monitor purchase and sales insights
  • Optimize procurement and asset management functions

Business applications

  • Processing Margin
  • Sales Margin

Module 4: Regulatory Compliance

Requirements from governing bodies and regulators have become more important and stricter over the past years. Building an inhouse solution to understand and comply to the regulations is a very tedious and complex process. The regulatory reporting application is built to help manage regulatory risk management across your entire portfolio and regions. Stay one step ahead of any compliance deadline and beat the fines!

Screenshot Sun Position

Making regulatory reporting easy and penalty free

  • Customized and on-demand tools to cover all derivative market regulations around the world
  • Comprehensive regulatory compliance reports
  • Transaction and position reporting
  • Visualization of current and historical submissions, threshold 
monitoring and response messages
  • Immediate adaptation to regulatory changes including compliance requirements
  • Ability to monitor market abuse

Business applications

  • Exchange Limit Monitoring
  • Threshold Reporting