ISO 27001 and SOC 1
Last updated: 16 February 2023
As technology supplier we take information security very serious. It is our top priority to secure our own and our client's information in a process-oriented way in order to ensure confidentiality, availability and integrity of all personal and company data.
With the ISO 27001 certification, we show that we meet all the standard global requirements around information security. Feel free to reach out for more information about our security!
Information Transport
Objective: To maintain the security of information exchanged within an organization and with an external entity.
Policies and procedures for information transport
- To protect information transport, which is conducted through all types of communication facilities, formal policies, procedures, and management measures for transport must be in place.
Agreements on information transport
- Agreements must address the secure transport of business information between the organization and external parties.
Electronic messages
- Information contained in electronic messages must be appropriately protected.
Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
- Requirements for confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements that reflect the organization's needs regarding the protection of information must be established, regularly reviewed and documented.
Compliance with legal and contractual requirements
Objective: To prevent violations of legal, statutory, regulatory or contractual obligations regarding information security and security requirements.
Privacy and protection of personal data
- Privacy and protection of personal data must be ensured, as applicable, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.